Friday, November 17, 2006

What can we say?

The fight about whether or not Americans are spoiled could go back and forth all day, with much vacillation b/n different ideas about wealth, comfort, luxury, cultural context, etc...

One thing is for certain though. We have never experienced this level of atrocity. I hope this level of cruelty and psychopathic action never comes to the U.S. But another part of me wonders how any of us here, in our relatively sheltered communities, can ever understand the full scope of horror these women have faced. Can we? The cultural differences, the language barriers, the different societal hierarchies; how can we fight through these and reach out to our fellow human beings?

Why aren't we? Why are these horrible practices just now starting to hit mainstream sources like Newsweek? And why is the gritty truth only revealed in a web exclusive? Are the people who choose paper over pixels somehow unable to handle the verity of such a situation?

What is it in human nature that makes us close our eyes, stop our ears, hold our mouths shut?

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