Wednesday, April 22, 2009


We need 28 hour days. There is simply not enough time in the day to sleep, eat, think (productively), comment on student papers, read, study, plan, commute, do laundry, check facebook, watch the news, write papers, talk with friends, take care of family, laugh, drink tea, and write blog posts. Something has to give, and it unfortunately for the past few months has been blogging. I find it funny that it was my interest in online discourse that propelled me into grad school, that I lost said interest temporarily in favor of kinesthetics/embodied learning/rhetorical theory/humor as rhetoric/etc, and that I am now teaching a computer integrated classroom and am now busy thinking of the possibilities for pedagogy and the internet once again. If I manage to maintain this interest in spite of everything else, I must then of course find a way to find time to blog - how can I profess to be interested in online discourse if I do not practice it myself?